更新:2024-11-17 06:11:02
破案劇集《海軍犯罪調查處 NCIS》衍生劇《洛杉磯海軍犯罪調查 NCIS: Los Angeles》由ChrisO’Donnell和LL Cool J出演,主角是專注於高風險的臥底及偵察任務的出奇小組Office of meijubar.net SpecialProje cts(OSP),它們將專門負責危及到社稷安全的高危險案犯。擁有各種高尖端科技以及各種不一樣身份的受過特別訓練的小組成員,將冒死執行臥底任務以完成它們的目標。 特務"G" Callen擁有變色龍普通的轉換身份技法,可以讓自個兒融入各種地下案犯世界。他的搭檔特務Sam Hanna,前海豹突擊隊成員,曾在阿富汗和伊拉克執行過任務,擁有頎長的監視技法,曾經爲前線士兵提供過監視數據。 輔佐這隻團隊的還有特務Kensi,性情豁朗活潑出身武人世家,心理學家Nate Getz,拿手鑽進任何人的腦袋裏,剖析目標以及評估特務們的面貌。 這支隊伍已在NCIS第六季季末登場,高端的設施,怯場的案情無不吸引着看客的視線。隨着Linda Hunt等老牌實力演員的介入,OSP的隊伍也逐漸壯大起來。人見人愛的Abby和NCIS主子Leon Vance也將在衍生劇中助陣。 Zasha the Russian operative , whom they turned into an asset is captur3d by Joelle. They deduce she's looking for Katya. They know www.qujuji.com that Zasha can't help her but Joelle might not care. So Callen tries to contact her to get her to come and give Zasha back. But she refuses so Callen resorts to some5hing heavy handed. She doesn't take it well. It isn't long till Russian ops come down on them and Kilbride orders them to use no lethal force. Kensi and Deeks look into options in regards to their family. Callen discovers something that threatens to change his relationship with Hetty. Hetty is going somewhere again. by:www.mke6.com